Saturday, July 12, 2008 month away

It is that time of the year when Paducah starts to buzz with the anticipation of the River's Edge International Film Festival. The schedule is complete, filmmakers are making their plans to attend and the local film fans are marking their calendars to take time off from work to attend.

This is the fourth year, and the festival continues to grow. This year we are kicking off the festival with a South African film, 'Bunny Chow'. Directed by John Barker, 'Bunny Chow' is an edgy, urban comedy that beckons the viewers to envision South Africa through the eyes of its future, rather than the tragedy of its past.

'Bunny Chow' screens on August 14 at 6:00 at Maiden Alley Cinema. As the kick off, it is free to the public.

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